Michigan Earth Science Teacher Association (MESTA) 2020 Fall Conference ~ 9:30 am – 5 pm, Sat, Oct. 10th ~ Virtual

Posted on September 15, 2020 in Uncategorized

MESTA Fall Conference 2020

Save the date, The MESTA Annual Meeting will be a virtual meeting this year!

$5 Registration – open to all (MESTA membership not required)
For more info & to register: Register by Oct. 7th.

Presentation topics include:

The Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association (MESTA) was founded in 1967. The organization consists of members teaching in the field of Earth and Space Science at the K-12 and college levels.

  • Topics: Astronomy, Michigan Geology, Plate Tectonics and Seismology.

  • Two presentations about field trips that MESTA is planning to offer – Peter Voice and Dave Chapman will provide overview of the geology of the Menominee area, while Steve Mattox will discuss the geology of the northern shore of Lake Superior.

  • Representatives of the American Meteorological Society and the IRIS Consortium (Earthquakes and Seismology). Cris DeWolf and a NASA Scientist will demonstrate Helioviewer – a platform for investigating the sun. Ardis Herrold will assist you with exploring an online interactive astronomy investigation developed by Rubin Observatory. Andrea Williams will demonstrate a lesson on plate tectonics that she uses in her classroom.

  • Dr. Catherine Yansa from the Department of Geography at Michigan State University will give the Keynote Lecture. Dr. Yansa has focused on reconstructing North America’s environments after the last glaciation. She does this through studying plant material (fossil pollen and macrofossils) preserved in lake sediments. Her work has also allowed her to examine some of North America’s Pleistocene megafauna like Mammoths and Giant Beavers in the Midwest.

At the end of the day, we will have a drawing for several door prizes, including a spectacular piece of labradorite!