Western UP Science Fair and STEM Festival
The 21st annual Western Upper Peninsula Science Fair and STEM Festival will take place on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at the Memorial Union on Michigan Tech’s campus from 4:30-8:00 pm. Over 130 students in grades 4-8 will present projects on an investigation, using the scientific process. Students received a Student Planning Guide that provides information about the science fair, worksheets that lead students through the design and implementation of an investigation and a science fair project. The design of a science fair project is an excellent way to engage students in the scientific and engineering practices of the new Michigan Science Standards. Approximately fifty science and engineering professionals from Michigan Tech, local schools, government agencies and local businesses volunteer their time to judge the student projects.
Students who receive Bronze, Silver or Gold rating at the Western UP Science Fair will have the opportunity to display their projects at the Carnegie Museum in Houghton, from from April 1 – April 13, 2019.
The science fair and STEM festival is designed to be a family event. The public can view the science fair projects from 5:00 – 6:00 pm in the ballroom of the Memorial Union.
The STEM festival will take place from 4:30-7:30 pm in Commons Area of the Memorial Union. Michigan Tech students and faculty will provide a variety of hands-on science and engineering activities for K-8 students and their families.
The Western UP Science Fair and STEM Festival is coordinated by the Western UP STEM Network, MTU Center for Science & Environmental Outreach and Omega Chi Epsilon Chemical Engineering Honor Society, and made possible with financial sponsorships from the following Michigan Tech Departments: Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics, Dept. of Social Sciences, Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences Institute, Ecosystem Science Center, Great Lakes Research Center, Pavlis Honors College, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, School of Technology, Sustainable Futures Institute, Transportation Institute.
For more information on the science fair contact Emily Gochis at egochis@copperisd.org or visit https://www.wupstem.org/
For more information on the STEM Festival contact Joan Chadde at jchadde@mtu.edu